Quark's Jig |
by Silk and Thistle | 32J4C (set) | |
Bars | ||
1-4 | 1C set to each other and cast off one place; 2C step up on bars 3-4. | |
5-8 |
1C dance round their 1st corners passing them by LS to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides of the dance. |
9-16 | 1M dance a reel of three across the dance with 2C giving LS to 2M while 1W dance a reel of three across the dance with 3C giving LS to 3W. On the last two bars, 1C turn LH half-way to face 1st corners; 3C stepping down to 4th position on bars 15-16. | |
13-16 | 4W cast up to top of dance, ending facing down between 1C position; 4M cast out and down, then dance up to end facing up between 4C position. |
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17-18 | 1C change places with 1st corners giving RH while 2nd corners set. | |
Up/Down | 4C dance into center of set. |
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19-20 | 4W turn 2M by LH, ending 2M on men's side facing in in 2nd position and 4W facing 1M position; 4M turn 3W by LH, ending 3W on women's side facing in in 2nd position and 4M facing 4W position |
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The other dancers chase CW around the outside to next corner position. | ||
Charm/ Strange |
4C in the middle change places with those in 1st corner positions, giving RH while those in 2nd corner positions set and the dancers in 2nd position dance into the middle. |
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23-24 | 3W turn 2W LH & 2M turn 3M LH to end with 2W at the bottom between 4C position facing down and 3M at the top between 1C position facing up, and 3W facing 4W position, 2M facing 1M position. |
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The other 4 dancers dance CW around the outside to the next corner position. | ||
Top/ Bottom |
Dancers in middle change places with those in 1st corner positions giving RH while those in 2nd corner positions set and the dancers in center top & bottom dance out and turn over LS to end facing in. |
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27-28 | 1C turn LH once round in the center to face out in 2nd place while 2W and 3M dance into the center of the dance. | |
29-30 |
1C cast to 4th place while: on the men's side: 3M dance out to 2nd place passing 2W LS, while 4M step up to 3rd place on the women's side: 2W, followed by 3W dance up the center of the dance, 2W end in 1st place, 3W end in 2nd place; while 4W cast to 3rd place |
31-32 | All take hands on the sides of the dance and set to partners. | |
Repeat 4 times. With apologies to Kent Smith, the author of Quarries' Jig. (And a thank you to Noel Chavez for the original idea of tweaking Quarries' Jig.) This dance was created by the Silk & Thistle Chicago class as a ceilidh act for the Chicago Branch's Weekend Workshop 2000 at which Avril and David Quarrie were teachers. We thought it appropriate since we dance at Fermilab and are led by a physicist from the lab. |
05/00 |