Where the Buffalo Roam
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 2C
1-4 Taking left hands, 1W & 2W cross between partners, 2W crossing 1W in front of her. 1W cast down behind 2M and across the set to 2W place, turning to face in while 2W cast up behind 1M and across the set to 1W place, remaining facing out.
5-8 1C & 2C RH across once round.
9-12 Taking right hands, 1M & 2M cross between partners, 2M crossing 1M in front of him. 1M cast down behind 1W and across the set to 2M place, turning to face in while 2M cast up behind 2W and across the set to 1M place, remaining facing out.
13-16 2C & 1C LH across once round, 1M & 2W end facing in, 1W & 2M end facing out.
17-24 2C & 1C dance a left shoulder reel of four on the second diagonal, 1M & 2W passing RS to start, 1W casting up into the reel and 2M casting down into the reel. At the end of the reel, 1W & 2M complete the last RS pass and curve into progressed places.
25-32 2C & 1C take hands on the sides and set to partners, then turn partners BH once round, opening into circling four hands once round to the left.
Suggested music is Delvine Side from Ghillies on the Golden Gate.
The class in which I dance meets at Fermilab, where they have a large herd of buffalo; each spring there are buffalo calves to watch.