When Giants Fell
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C turn BH once round and cast off 1 place as 2C step up. 1C dance down between 3C and cast up to 2nd place on own sides.
9-16 Diagonal rights and lefts for 3 couples, 1W crossing up and 1M crossing down to begin.
17-20 Half reels of 3 on the sides, 1W giving LS to 2M in 3W position while 1M gives LS to 3W in 2M position. Corners should dance loops into...
21-24 Half reels of 3 across the set, 1W giving LS to 2W in 2M position while 1M gives LS to 3M in 3W position. 1C end in 2nd place on partner’s sides.
25-32 1C turn RH once round and dance a half figure of 8, 1W up between 2C and 1M down between 3C. All set.
Suggested music is Lady Lucy Ramsay from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.
This dance was written after hearing of the deaths of John Drewry and Robin Williams.