We Stand with France |
by Sue McKinnell |
8X32 Medley for 3 Couples |
Bars |
1-4 |
1C crosses down to face 1st corners while 2C steps up. 1C turn 1st corners RH to end 1W between 2C facing 2W and 1M between 3C facing 3M. |
5-8 |
Half LS reels across the set, 1W passing 2W LS and 1M passing 3M LS to begin. |
9-12 |
Set and link for 3 couples, ending 2, 1, 3. |
13-16 |
1C cross passing LS to face 2nd corners and turn them LH to end 1W between 3C facing 3W and 1M between 2C facing 2M. |
17-20 |
Half RS reels across the set, 1W passing 3W RS and 1M passing 2M RS to begin. |
21-24 |
Set and link for 3 couples, ending 2, 1, 3 with 1C on opposite side. |
25-32 |
1C turn RH once round and dance a half figure eight, 1W up between 2C and 1M down between 3C to end in 2nd place on own sides. |
For each couple, this dance is danced once through as a strathspey, then as a reel. |
Suggested music is The Anniversary from Northern Jubilee. |
Written after the terror attacks on Paris November 13, 2015. |
11/15 |