Wedding Vows
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Strathspey for 4C
(Square Set)
1-8 1C cross into reels of 3; 1W RS with 2C (1W gives RS to 2M to begin), 1M LS with 4C (1M gives LS to 4W to begin). 1C end facing 3C, 1W on 1M’s left.
9-12 1C & 3C RH across, end 3W & 1W facing 3M & 1M with nearer hands joined.
13-16 3W & 1W, 3M & 1M set (as if in a longways set), then turn to take partner’s hands and 1C & 3C set (as if facing up and down a longways set).
17-20 1C cross out between 3C and cast back to original places.
21-24 1C turn BH once round as 2C, 3C, & 4C turn to face CW. All chase 1 position CW; end with men facing partners.
25-32 All dance a grand chain once around the set.
Repeat 4 times.
Suggested music is Fill the Fetters from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.
I attended the wedding of a friend’s cousin and this dance occurred to me as I watched the ceremony.