Twiddly Bits
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C dance a reel of three with 2W, 1W passing 2W right shoulder to begin.
9-16 1C dance a reel of three with 2M, 1M passing 2M right shoulder to begin.
17-24 1C dance down the middle. On bar 5, 1C lift arms to form an arch, with 1W dancing under the arch as 1M dances below her to end facing up on opposite sides. 1C dance back up to face 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
25-32 1C set to 1st corners, dance around each other right shoulder to right shoulder (gypsy) ¾ to face 2nd corners WHILE 1st corners set turning in place. 1C set to 2nd corners, and dance around each other right shoulder to right shoulder (gypsy) to 2nd place on own sides WHILE 2nd corners set turning in place.
Suggested music is The Fireside Reel from Gie Us Tullochgorum.
I wrote this dance for Mady Newfield, who really likes dances with twirls and turns and tight timing. I liked the idea of the figure in the first 16 bars; first couple should add loops to get into appropriate position at the ends of bars 8 and 16.