Trotter Likes Belly Rubs |
by Sue McKinnell |
8x32 Reel for 3C |
Bars |
1-8 |
1C lead down for 3 bars, up for 3 bars, cross, and cast off 1 place as 2C steps up. |
9-16 |
RS reels of 3 across the set, 1W up and 1M down, 1C giving RS to partner's 2nd corners. |
17-24 |
2C and 1C dance ladies' chain. |
25-32 |
All set and 1C dance a petronella turn to lines across the set, 1W down between 3C and 1M up between 2C. All set and 1C dance a petronella turn to 2nd place on own sides. |
Repeat. |
Suggested music is Bonnie Belles of Atlanta from Atlanta Fare by Copious Notes. |
Most cats don't like anyone to touch their belly and will attack if touched. Trotter not only likes his belly rubbed, but he flops down, belly up, and kneads the air when his belly is rubbed. |
01/24 |