Trotter at Play
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-4 1C dance a slow cast to 2nd place as 2C step up.
5-8 Set and link for 3 couples.
9-12 1C turn RH halfway then pull RS back to dance out to opposite positions.
13-16 Set and link for 3 couples.
17-24 1C dance figures of 8 across the set, 1W down around 2C and 1M up around 3C.
25-32 Diagonal rights and lefts.
Suggested music is Charlie’s Birthday from Les Joueurs de Bon Accord by Laura Risk and Nicholas Williams.
We have 4 cats. Three are elderly (age 14+) and one is just turning 6. He is very active and loves to play. This dance tries to capture some of the joy of him at play.