The Triquetra  |
by Sue McKinnell |
3X32 Strathspey for 3C Triangular Set Dance |
Bars |
1-4 |
All men circle left once round, ending by turning over RS to face partners. |
5-8 |
All men pass RS with partners to dance a loop around partners’ positions to face the next position CCW around the set, as the women dance RH across 2/3 and out to the next position CCW, turning over RS to face partners in the new position. (Women break from right hands across early to dance out and turn into position; men pass left shoulders in the center to face out.) |
9-12 |
Repeat bars 5-8, men dancing in front of partners to curl into place. End in the order 3, 1, 2. |
13-16 |
3C & 1C dance ½ rights and lefts. |
17-20 |
3C & 2C dance ½ rights and lefts, ending in the order 1, 2, 3. |
20-24 |
All women circle left once round, ending by turning over RS to face partners. |
25-32 |
Repeats bars 5-12 with the women dancing the men’s part and men dancing the women’s part. End in the order 3, 1, 2. |
Repeat from new positions. |
Suggested music is Set of Strathspeys from Terpsichore. |
This dance and The Triskel were inspired by a catalog of Irish gifts I received that had pictures of jewelry in the shapes of the triskel and the trinity celtic knot, aka the triquetra. |
10/04 |