The Transit of Venus |
by Sue McKinnell |
8X32 Reel for 3C |
Bars |
1-8 |
1C, 2C, and 3C turn RH 3/4 to form a line up and down the dance in the center with women facing down and men facing up.
1W and 3M set and chase CW halfway around the set while 1M and 2W, 2M and 3W change places LH, then 1M and 3W change places RH, then 2W and 3W, 1M and 2M change places LH.
9-12 |
All set to partners and turn petronella to the sides of the dance. Order is 3, 2, 1 with 2C on opposite sides. |
13-16 |
All set and 2C and 1C change places on the sides (1W and 2M LH and 1M and 2W RH) while 3C cross RH and face out. |
17-24 |
Mirror reels on the sides; 1C dancing in and up, 3C out and down, and 2C out and up to begin. Ending order is 3, 1, 2 with 3C and 2C on opposite sides. |
25-32 |
All dance diagonal rights and lefts, 1W crossing up and 1M crossing down to begin. |
Repeat. |
Suggested music is Sleepwalking from Heather Hills with Mara Shea and Dave Wiesler. |
I wrote this dance shortly after a transit of Venus occurred; we watched it from outside the barn at Fermilab where we dance. |
06/12 |