Torties Are Always Sweet
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cross RH and cast off 1 place as 2C step up. 1C turn LH once round to end LS to LS, 1W facing down and 1M facing up in the center.
9-16 1C dance RH across with corners then pass RS into LH across on own sides.
17-20 3W, followed by 1W and 2W, dance across the bottom of the set and up the men’s side while 2M, followed by 1M and 3M, dance across the top of the side and down the women’s side. End 3, 1, 2 all on opposite side.
21-24 All turn partners RH halfway then pull RS back and dance out to own sides. 1C end facing out.
25-32 Chained progression for 3 couples.
Suggested music is The Barton’s Reel from 15 Social Dances by Roy Goldring.
For Ember, who was a tortieshell I rescued. My vet says she has never met a tortieshell that wasn’t sweet-tempered and Ember definitely was a sweet cat.