Toasty Tootsies
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Jig for 3 Couples
1-8 1C set, lead down between 2C and 3C, cross below 3C and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides to end facing up. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 All dance a grand chain, beginning with 2C and 1C changing RH while 3C cross RH.
17-20 Half reels of 3 on the sides, 1C giving RS to 2C to begin.
21-24 All take hands on the sides and set then cross LH with partners.
25-32 1C dance diagonal rights and lefts, 1W crossing up and 1M crossing down to begin.
Suggested music is Major Ian Stewart from Cairngorms by Keith Smith and Muriel Johnstone.
My cat, Christopher, sleeps on my wool bed socks when I leave them on the bad; they are then nice and warm when I put them on.