Tinkling Jade
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C dance down for 2 bars, set to each other then pull RS back and dance out the ends to the right around 4th corners to 2nd place on own sides. 2C step up on bars 1-2.
9-16 Set and rotate for 3 couples.
9-10 All set.
11-12 All 3 men cast up and all 3 women cast down to end in lines across the dance.
13-14 All change RH with partners.
15-16 All chase CW 1/4 around the set. End 3, 1, 2.
17-24 1C cross passing LS, dance RS around 1st corners, in the ends, and LS around 4th corners to end in 2nd place on own sides facing out. (this is a figure of 8, 1W up around 3C and 1M down around 2C)
25-32 3C, 1C, and 2C dance a chain progression:
25-26 3C and 2C turn 3/4 RH while 1C dance CW 1/4.
27-30 3M and 2W turn LH 1 1/2 while (in promenade hold) 1M and 3W AND 2M and 1W dance CW halfway.
31-32 2C and 3C turn RH 3/4 while 1C dance CW 1/4. End 2. 1. 3.
Suggested music is The Spirit of the Dance from Campbell's Birl by Keith Smith and Muriel Johnstone.
Written in honor of the arrival of Xiaowen and Tom's baby girl.