Through the Looking Glass
by Sue McKinnell 6X32 Reel for 3C
(Set Dance)
1-8 Parallel reels of 8 on the sides, 1C passing 2C RS to begin.
9-16 1C set, cast off 1 place as 2C steps up. 1C dance a half figure of 8, 1W up between 2C and 1M down between 3C.
17-24 2C and 1C ladies’ chain.
25-28 1C cross RH and cast off 1 place as 3C step up.
29-32 All 3 couples chase CW halfway. End 1, 3, 2 on opposite sides.
Repeat beginning from the other end of the set. The dance is dances 6 times through changing ends each time.
Suggested music is Reel Set from Miss Ogilvie’s Fancy by Green Ginger.
This dance was inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice Through the Looking Glass.