Thanksgiving Kindness
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C set, dance down between 2C and 3C and cast up to 2nd place. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 2C, 1C, and 3C dance set and rotate for 3 couples:
All set
All cast (W down and M up) to form lines across the set.
All change places up and down RH with partners.
All chase CW 1/4 to own sides. End 3, 1, 2 with 1C on opposite side.
17-24 1C turn RH once round then dance out the ends (1W down and 1M up) and cast right to end in 2nd place on opposite sides.
25-32 3C, 1C, and 2C dance a snowball grand chain: 3C cross RH.
3C and 1C change LH on the sides.
3C and 2C change RH on the sides while 1C cross RH.
1C and 2C change LH on the sides while 3C cross LH. End 2, 1, 3.
Suggested music is Flights of Fancy from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.
We had planned to visit my family for the first time in years and at the last minute things got cancelled when the sister who was to host everything called to say she had a ringworm infestation (new kitten) and couldn't have people at her house. A friend who learned about this insisted on providing us with a cornucopia of food for our Thanksgiving.