T for Two
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Strathspey 7C
(T-shaped Set Dance)
This dance begins with the couples arranged in a T formation as follows:
1-8 1CA lead down for 2 bars, turn RH 1/2 way in 2 bars, lead up to the top, and cast to 2nd A place, 2CA step up on bars 7 & 8 WHILE 4CA lead up for 2 bars, turn RH 1/2 way in 2 bars, lead down, and cross to 3rd A place on own sides, 3CA step down on bars 7 & 8 WHILE 1CB lead down for 2 bars, turn RH 1/2 way in 2 bars, 2CB step up on bars 3 & 4; 1CB cast to 3rd B place, 3CB step up on bars 7 & 8.End 2, 1, 4, 3 (A) & 2, 3, 1 (B) with 1CA & 1CB on opposite sides.
9-16 1CA, 4CA, & 1CB 6 hands across and back, end in a triangular shaped set WHILE 2CB & 3CB 4 hands across and back WHILE 2CA, 3CA turn partners RH, then LH.
17-24 1CA, 4CA, & 1CB dance interlocking reels, beginning by passing partner by LS; when meet partner turn over LS to return to place, then turn partners BH to put women on the right WHILE 2CA, 2WB, & 3WB; 4CA, 2MB, & 3MB dance reels of 4 on the diagonal sides of the set.
25-26 1WB dance between 3CA & 4CA (across A set) and 1MB dance between 2CA & 1CA, while 1CA & 4CA change places RH on the side.
27-28 1CB dance between 4CA & 1CA (across A set) while 4CA & 1CA cross LH with partners.
29-30 1CB cross up between 3CB & 2CB, while 4CA & 1CA change places RH on the side.
31-32 1CB cast to 3rd B place; 4CA cross up to 2nd A place; and 1CA dance down to 3rd A place. End 2, 4, 1, 3 (A) and 2, 3, 1 (B).
Repeat 4 times.
Suggested music is Mary Hamilton from the Bobby Brown Collection.
This dance is an attempt to create a 7-couple dance in T formation.