Super Blue Blood Moon
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Reel for 4C
Set Dance
  3C and 4C start the dance crossed over
1-4 All men cross the set, pass partners RS and chase to the other end (1M to 3M, 2M to 4M, 3M to 1M and 4M to 2M positions).
5-8 1W, 2W, 3M, 4M and 1M, 2M, 3W, 4W dance RH across once round to end with the people in 1st and 3rd positions facing down and the people in 2nd and 4th positions facing up.
9-16 Parallel reels of 4 on the sides.
17-20 All women cross the set, pass the person opposite LS and chase to the other end of the set (as in bars 1-4).
21-24 3C and 4C, 1C and 2C dance LH across once round. 4C and 1C end facing on the sides.
25-28 4C and 1C set and change RH on the sides.
29-32 1C and 4C set to partners and cross LH. End 3, 1, 4, 2 with 4C and 2C on opposite sides.
Suggested music is Weel Done, Cutty Sark from The Macadians Play Burns Night. If danced 8 times through: 8X32 Reels (Mo Chuachag Lagach) from First Stop! by Waverly Station.
On January 31st of this year, we had this very rare event: a super blue blood moon.