Still Crazy After All These Years
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C, 2C, and 3C set and link for 3 couples twice.
9-12 All cross RH then 1C cast up 1 place as 2C dance down to 3rd place.
13-24 Rights and lefts for 3 couples. On the last 2 bars, 1M & 3M, 1W & 2W (the people changing places on the sides) turn LH once round rather than changing places.
25-32 All dance a bourrel for 3 couples.
Suggested music is Bonnie Ina Campbell from Taylor and Imbrie Live.
This title is taken from a Paul Simon song and reflects my obsession with the 3-couple bourrel and figuring out how to get people into place to have it as the final figure in the dance.
We danced this with only 3 couples and found it works well as a 3 couple set dance if on the last 2 bars first couple casts to 3rd place and third couple turns up to 2nd place.