Squirrel in a Pumpkin
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-4 1C set advancing then turn BH once round opening up to face down in the center.
5-8 1C turn 2C (RH on the men's side and LH on the women's side) to end with 1C between 2C, 1M facing 2M with 1W right behind him.
9-16 1C dance a tandem reel with 2C, 1M passing 2M RS to begin. 1C change leads at each end of the reel. 2C end by dancing up to 1st place and 1C end between 3C, 1M facing 3M with 1W right behind him.
17-24 1C repeat bars 9-16 with 3C. At the end 1C dance into 2nd place on own sides with 1M facing out. 3C remain in 3rd place.
25-32 1C dance parallel figures of 8 on the sides, passing 2C RS to begin.
Suggested music is Jonathan's Farewell from Jennifer's Social Dances by Red Thistle Music. Note that first couple needs to dance wide, sweeping loops on the reels to not get ahead of the music.
This dance was written when the idea of bars 1-8 into bars 9-16 came to me and was named for how the squirrels in our yard love the pumpkins we have left over from Halloween decorations and climb into them to eat them.