Split Pea Soup |
by Sue McKinnell |
8X32 Reel for 3C |
Bars |
1-8 |
1C cast off behind own lines, turn away from each other, and dance up to 2nd place to face 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 3-4. |
9-16 |
1C and 1st corners dance a diagonal reel of four, 1C passing left shoulders to face 2nd corners. |
17-24 |
1C and 2nd corners dance a diagonal reel of four, 1C passing left shoulders to face out own sides in double triangles position. |
25-32 |
1C and corners dance double triangles, 1C ending in 2nd place on own sides. |
Repeat. |
Suggested music is Wind that Shakes the Barley from Muckle Carfuffle. |
03/08 |