by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3C
1-4 1C dance down between 2nd position while 2C dances up the sides of the set on bars 1-2. 1C cast down behind 3rd place while 3C dances up the middle of the set, nearer hands joined, on bars 3-4.
5-8 All set taking hands on the sides and cross RH with partners.
9-12 2C repeat bars 1-4, 3C dancing up on bars 1-2 and 1C dancing up on bars 3-4.
13-16 All set taking hands on the sides and cross RH with partners. Order is now 3, 1, 2.
17-24 All set and link for three couples, ending in the order 2, 1, 3 on opposite sides.
25-32 2C turn RH halfway to face, then pull RS back to dance to own sides. On bar 3 of the phrase, 1C start the figure (turn RH halfway to face, then pull RS back to dance to own sides). On bar 5 of the phrase, 3C start the figure (turn RH halfway to face, then pull RS back to dance to own sides).
Suggested music is 8X32 Strathspeys (starting Fiona Miller) from First Stop! by Waverley Station.