Shadow Double Knitting
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Jig for 4C
Set Dance
  3C and 4C start the dance crossed over
1-8 1C and 2C, 3C and 4C set.
1C and 4C cross RH.
1C and 2C, 3C and 4C set and link.
9-16 2C and 1C, 4C and 3C dance a men's chain (men cross LH, women dance up and down the sides)
17-24 All advance and retire then dance back to back with partners.
25-32 1C and 4C dance a circulating knot, each couple dancing as if the top couple of the normal pair in the knot, i.e.
1C turn RH to face up in allemande hold while 4C turn RH to face down in allemande hold
1C dance across the set and down the men's side to 3rd place while 4C dance across the set and up the women's side to 2nd place.
1M and 4M lead partners across the set LH.
1C and 4C turn LH halfway to end in the order 2, 4, 1, 3 with 1C and 3C on opposite sides.
Suggested music is King Edward’s Jig from 12 SCD by Mervyn Short by Green Ginger.
These figures remind me of the double knitting technique, which I used in a pattern I made up combining shadow knitting with double knitting.