Sand Sculptures
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3 couples
1-8 1C, 2C, & 3C cross RH, then 1C cast one place as 2C dance up to 1st place. 1C dance down between 3C and cast up to 2nd place. Order is 2, 1, 3 with all on opposite sides.
9-16 All set on the sides, then set advancing to pass partners left-shoulder to left-shoulder. All chase halfway round clockwise. Order is now 3, 1, 2 with all on opposite sides.
17-20 All turn partners BH once round.
21-24 1W with 3C in 1st place, 1M with 2C in 3rd place dance left hands across.
25-32 All set and link for 3 couples twice to end in the order 2, 1, 3.
Suggested music is Tipsy O’er the Glen from Tartan Capers.