Raccoon Babies
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3 Couples
1-8 1C and 2C set on the sides, nearer hands joined, turn partners RH to end 1C facing down and 2C facing up, W on M’s right (1C turns a half and 2C turns once round), set up and down the set, and change LH on the sides.
9-16 2C and 1C dance ladies’ chain. 1M end facing out.
17-24 1M followed by 1W cast off behind 3W and across the set to own side in 3rd place. 3C step up as cast around. 3C and 1C dance RH across.
25-26 1C cast up to 2nd place as 3C dance down to 3rd place and face out.
27-32 6-bar mirror reels on the sides, 1C up between 2C to begin.
Suggested music is Fox in the Wood from The Devil’s Quandary.
We have baby raccoons in the yard every year and one year I watched them trying to climb a tree; they would climb a foot or two then fall off. Eventually they figured out how to make it to the nesting hole much higher in the tree.