Polychrome's Rainbow
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-4 1C cross down between corners, cast behind 3C and dance up the center of the dance to end in 2nd place on opposite sides; 2C step up on bars 1-2.
5-8 1C dance ½ reels of three on the sides; 1W giving RS to 2M, 1M giving LS to 2W.
9-12 1C cross down between 3C and cast up behind 3C to 2nd place on own sides.
13-16 1C dance ½ reels of three on the sides; 1W giving RS to 3W in 2W place, 1M giving LS to 3M in 2M place. End 2, 1, 3.
17-24 1C, followed by 2C, lead down the set; then 1C, splitting 2C who follow them, lead back up. End 1C in top place facing down, nearer hands joined, 2C in 2nd place facing up, nearer hands joined.
25-32 1C & 2C dance a rondel.
Suggested music is Set of Strathspeys from Muckle Carfuffle.
Polychrome is a daughter of the rainbow who likes to dance on, and sometimes off, the rainbow. She is always getting stranded on the earth for a while until a rainbow appears. She is featured in several Oz books.