by Sue McKinnell 4X64 Strathspey for 4C
(Square Dance)
1-8 Women dance RH across once round and around partners LS to original places. All set.
9-16 Men dance LH across once round and around partners RS to original places. All set and end facing partners.
17-24 Interlocking reels of 4 around the set, passing partners RS to begin.
25-32 Interlocking rights and lefts, 1C and 3C crossing RH to begin while 2C and 4C change RH with partners on the sides. On the last 2 bars, 2C and 4C end facing head couples (2W and 4M facing 1C, 2M and 4W facing 3C).
33-40 All dance reels of 4 up and down the set.
41-48 2W and 4M and 1C, similarly 2M and 4W and 3C, dance ladies’ chain. 2C and 4C end facing up and down the set.
49-56 2C and 4C set. 4M and 2M change places RH. 2C and 4C set and turn the person opposite (other couple) BH halfway then turn away from each other to end facing head couples (4C facing 1C, 2C facing 3C).
57-64 1C and 4C, 2C and 3C, set and dance RH across halfway. 1M followed by 1W dance to 4th place while 3M followed by 3W dance to 2nd place. 1C and 3C turn partners LH halfway. End 2, 3, 4, 1.
Repeat from new positions.
Suggested music is Dear Gladys from Campbell’s Birl – it turns out I don’t have a 4X64 Strathspey in my collection of music, but an 8X32 cut will also work.
The figures of this dance remind me of the pattern of parquet flooring.