A Pair of Mallards
by Sue McKinnell 8x40 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cross RH and cast off 1 place as 2C step up. 1C dance a half figure of 8, 1W down between 3C and 1M up between 2C. 1C end facing 1st corners.
9-16 1C dance a diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners. At the end 1C turn LH to face 2nd corners.
17-24 1C dance corners chain with 2nd corners. At the end 1C turn LH to face 1st corners.
25-32 1C dance corners chain with 1st corners. At the end 1C turn LH to face 2nd corners.
33-40 1C dance a diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners and end in 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is The Dalesman from Haste Ye Back by Muriel Johnstone.
This dance was actually named in May 2023, shortly after we moved our bird feeder away from the house into the front yard. Not long after that we had a pair of mallard ducks visit regularly to feed on the sunflower seed that fell from the feeder, fascinating our cats. Note that the turns in the middle are all of differing length, which makes for an interesting timing challenge.