Orange and Black Beauty
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C set, dance down between 2C and up behind them then cross down to 2nd place on opposite sides. 2C step up on bars 7-8.
9-16 1C turn 3C (1W and 3M LH, 1M and 3W RH) once round then turn 2C (1W and 2M RH, 1M and 2W LH) to end in double triangles position facing opposite sides.
17-24 1C dance double triangles ending facing 1st corners.
25-32 1C dance 6-bar reels on the sides of the dance, passing 1st corners LS to begin. 1C cross RH to own sides on the last 2 bars.
Suggested music is The Findlay’s Jig from Vintage Goldring.
I wrote this after seeing a Monarch butterfly in our yard on a milkweed plant opening and closing its wings – it was gorgeous.