Off the Axum
by Sue McKinnell 5X32 Reel for 5C
(Set Dance)
1-8 1C and 3C cross RH, cast off 1 place as 2C and 4C step up, and dance a half figure of 8 up around the couple above them.
9-28 All five couples dance as following (this is repeated 5 times – every 2 bars – and is the same for everyone based on the position they occupy at the time):
- the person in 1M position dances down 1 place and across the set to 2W position
- the person in 2M position dances down 1 place and across the set to 3W position
- the person in 5W position dances up 1 place and across the set to 4M position
- the person in 4W position dances up 1 place and across the set to 3M position
- the people in 3M and 4M position pass each other LS and dance up or down 2 places (3M position to 5M position and 4M position to 2M position)
- the people in 2W and 3W position pass each other LS and dance up or down 2 places (2W position to 4W position and 3W to 1W position)
- the person in 1W position dances across the set to 1M position
- the person in 5M position dances across the set to 5W position
29-32 1C and 3C set and cast off 1 place as 4C and 5C step up. Ending order is 2, 4, 1, 5, 3.
Suggested music is Scotch Mist from Highlander 6 (Duncan Cook).
One of the dancers in my class has written a couple of dances based on the Axum reel, so I decided to try a 5-couple version and realized it is no longer a reel, but still based on the tracks of the Axum reel.