Mrs Norma Briggs
by Sue McKinnell 4X32 Strathspey for 4 Couples
(Set Dance)
1-8 1C turns RH, casts off 1 place as 2C steps up, and dances a half figure of eight up around 2C while 4C turns RH, casts up 1 place as 3C steps down, and dances a half figure of eight down around 3C.
9-16 All dance an interlocking double diamond poussette:
9 All advance as usual to positions for a strathspey poussette.
10 All set turning to go to the other side point as usual.
11 1C and 4C dance to the side point as usual while 2C and 3C set to the middle changing places, men passing back-to-back.
12 All set turning as usual.
13 1C and 4C dance out to the point as usual while 2C dances to men’s side and 3C dances to the women’s side; 2C and 3C have joined the other poussette.
14 1C and 4C dance to the center point changing places, men passing back-to-back while 2C and 3C dance to the point as usual.
15 All turn once round.
16 All retire to new positions (3, 4, 1, 2).
17-20 4C and 1C circle left once round ending facing the ends while 3C and 2C chase clockwise halfway around the set to change places. (2, 4, 1, 3)
21-24 2C and 4C, 1C and 3C circle left once round.
25-28 2C dances a half figure of eight down between 4C while 3C dances a half figure of eight up between 1C.
29-32 2C and 4C, 1C and 3C dance right hands across.
Suggested music is Happy to Meet You Charlie from Les Joueurs de Bon Accord.
Norma Briggs was a lovely lady and a major contributor to establishing and maintaining the Madison Branch.