Monty’s Little Brother
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C and 3C dance a double figure of 8, 1C crossing down and 3C casting up to begin.
9-16 1C set, cross RH, cast off 1 place, and turn LH to end in a diagonal line between 1st corners facing 2nd corners with LH joined. 2C step up on bars 5-6.
17-24 1C and 2nd corners set, 1C turning toward each other to change direction and take RH.
1C and 2nd corners set, 1C advancing ¼ on the second setting step to end in a diagonal line between 2nd corners facing partner’s 1st corner with RH joined.
1C and 1st corners set, 1C turning toward each other to change direction and take LH.
1C and 1st corners set, 1C advancing on the second setting step to form a line up and down the set, 1C facing partner’s side LH joined.
25-32 1W and 2C, 1M and 3C RH across. 1C pass RS into 1W and 3C, 1M and 2C LH across. 1C end in 2nd place on own sides. On the second time through, 1C dance down the center to 4th place as 4th couple cast up into the double figure of 8.
Suggested music is Gloria’s Wee Jig from The Devil’s Quandary.
I like to do the setting in Montgomeries’ Rant as it is done in The Full Monty and wrong this dance to incorporate a variation of that setting.