Monty’s Lady
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cross RH and cast one place as 2C step up. 1C dance a half figure of eight, 1W down between 3C and 1M up between 2C. 1C end LH joined facing 1st corners.
9-12 1C set to 1st corners, turning inward to face opposite direction and taking RH. 1C set to partner’s 1st corner.
13-16 1C turn RH 1¼ to face 2nd corner positions, retaining RH while corners dance half rights and lefts, crossing RH with partners to start.
17-20 1C set to 2nd corner positions, turning inward to face opposite direction and taking LH. 1C set to partner’s 2nd corner position.
21-24 1C turn LH once round to face out the ends, 1W up and 1M down, while corners dance half rights and lefts, crossing RH with partners to start.
25-32 1C dance mirror figures of eight on own sides, 1W passing 2W RS and 1M passing 3M RS to start.
Suggested music is McGregor’s Leap from Many Happy Returns by Hanneke Cassel and Dave Wiesler.