Milanese Lace
by Sue McKinnell 5x32 Reel for 5C
Set Dance
1-8 1C and 5C dance figures of 8 on the sides, passing 2C/4C RS to begin (interlocking around 3C).
9-12 All set on the sides then 1C turn RH once round to face down while 2C, 3C, 4C, and 5C cross RH, 5C end facing out.
13-24 1C and 5C dance a Celtic reel:
1C cross down between 2C, cast off around 3C, cross down between 4C, cast up around 4C, cross up between 3C, and cast up behind 2C to 1st place while 5C cast up behind 4C, cross up between 3C, cast up behind 2C, cross down between 2C, cast off behind 3C, and cross down between 4C to 5th place.
25-32 1C and 2C dance RH across halfway.
1C and 3C dance LH across halfway while 5C and 4C dance LH across halfway.
1C and 5C dance RH across halfway.
All set. End 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.
Suggested music is The Plantation Reel from Miss Ogilvie’s Fancy by Green Ginger.
Milanese lace is a patterned tape lace and these figures remind me of making this lace.