Merry & Bright
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C dance a figure of 8 down around 2C.
9-12 1C and 2C set and turn partners 3/4 to end facing then pull RS back to face away from partners ending with 1W facing up, 2M facing down, and 1M and 2W facing – all in a line up and down the set.
13-16 1M and 2W turn RH 3/4 to end facing then pull RS back and dance out to progressed places (1M in 2M's place and 2W in 1W's place) while 1W dance out the top and to the R around to 2W's place and 2M dance out the bottom and to the R around to 1M's place.
17-24 2C and 1C RH across. 1C and 3C LH across.
25-32 Parallel RS reels of 3 on the sides, 1C dancing up to begin.
Suggested music is White Christmas from Sunday Class - Christmas. An alternate (non-holiday tune) is The Magic Airt o' Gow from Shining Lights.
I wrote this after noticing a neighbor's holiday bench with 'Merry & Bright' on the back – from the song White Christmas.