Meerkat Cross(ing)
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey
1-8 1C cast off behind own lines and cast back up to place.
9-16 Mirror reels of 3 on the sides, 1C dancing down between 2C to begin.
17-20 1M, 2W, and 3W dance LH across halfway then 1M dance up behind the W's side to behind 1W while 3W and 2W dance to the side and turn to face up.
21-24 1W, 2M, and 3M dance LH across halfway then 1W dance down behind the M's side and across below 3rd place to curve into 3W's position while 2M and 3M dance to the side and curve into place while 3W and 2W dance up 1 place. On the first 2 bars, 1M follow 1W then across the top to curve into 1st place. End 1, 3, 2 on the M's and 3, 2, 1 on the W's.
25-32 All dance an espagnole for 3 couples:
25-26 Top 2 women (3W and 2W) lead across the set RH-RH crossing to change places and 1W cross the set to 3M's position while bottom 2 men (3M and 2M) lead across the set RH-RH crossing to change places and 1M cross the set to 1W's position.
27-28 Repeat from new positions. End 2, 1, 3.
29-32 2C and 3C (top and bottom) turn RH once round while 1C (middle) turn LH once round.
Suggested music is Kind Robin from The Carlingwark Collection Volume 2 by Scott Band.
In his daily newsletter, Robb Quint discussed various Merkat Cross dances then mentioned it was unfortunate there was no Meerkat dance. This is my attempt at one.