by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C and 3C double figures of 8, 1C crossing down and 3C casting up to start.
9-16 1C and 2C knot; 1C end facing out.
17-24 6-bar reels of 3 on the sides, 1W LS to 2W, 1M LS to 3M to start; 1C come in the ends and turn RH to 2nd place on own sides on bars 7-8.
25-32 All set and turn partners once round BH. 1C dance up between 2C and cast to 2nd place.
  On the second time through, 1C cast to the bottom as 3C dance up ready to start double figure of 8.
Suggested music is Bonnie Ina Campbell from Taylor and Imbrie Live.