"A Lovely Hall"
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C set, turn BH once round, and cast to 2nd place, advancing to face 1st corners; 2C step up on bars 5 & 6.
9-16 1C set to and turn 1st corners BH; on bar 12, 1C pass LS in the middle of the set to face 2nd corners. 1C set to and turn 2nd corners BH to end in 2nd place on opposite sides.
17-24 6 bar reels on the sides of the dance, beginning with 1C giving LS to 1st corners. On bars 23 & 24, 1C cross RH to 2nd places on own sides.
25-32 1W with 3C & 1M with 2C dance LH across once round; on bar 28 1C pass LS into 1W with 2C & 1M with 3C dance RH across once round to end in 2nd places on own sides.
Suggested music is Gang the Same Gate from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.
This dance is named for how Mady Newfield describes the Baker Center in St. Charles, IL where the Silk and Thistle class hold their annual Frolic on the Fox.