Loop de Loop
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1M dance down between 2C, up behind 2W, down between 2C to just below 3rd place then cast up into 3W's position while 3W dance up between 2C, down behind 2M, up between 2C to just above 1st place then cast off into 1M's position. 1M and 3W pass RS each time they meet.
9-16 1W dance down between 2C, up behind 2M, down between 2C to just below 3rd place then cast up into 3M's position while 3M dance up between 2C, down behind 2W, up between 2C to just above 1st place then cast off into 1W's position. 1W and 3M pass LS each time they meet.
17-24 2C and 1C set and dance RH across halfway. 1C, retaining RH, lead down between 2C and cast up to 2nd place on own sides.
25-32 Diagonal rights and lefts.
Suggested music is Crossing the Brook from Vintage Goldring.
The idea for the figure in bars 1-16 occurred to me along with the phrase loop-de-loop so I wrote this dance.