The Lavender Strathspey |
by Sue McKinnell |
8X32 Strathspey for 3C |
Bars |
1-8 |
1C set, dance down the center, cast up behind 3C, and pass left shoulders to face 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 3-4. |
9-16 |
1C dance a gypsy poussette with 1st corners:
9-12 |
Box Setting |
Bar 9 |
All set to the right, ending with a 90° pivot, pulling right shoulders back so 1W and 2M, 1M and 3W are back-to-back. |
Bar 10 |
All set to the left, ending with a 90° pivot, pulling right shoulders back so 1W and 2M, 1M and 3W are facing, having changed places. |
Bar 11 |
All set to the right, ending with a 90° pivot, pulling right shoulders back so 1W and 2M, 1M and 3W are back-to-back. |
Bar 12 |
All set to the left, ending with a 90° pivot, pulling right shoulders back so 1C and 1st corners are where they started the figure. |
13-16 |
1C start dancing to their own right, then “melt” into a two-hand turn (2 more bars), progressing ¾ of the way around. On the last bar, 1C turn away from partners, pulling right shoulders back to face 2nd corners. |
17-24 |
1C repeat bars 9-16 with 2nd corners. At the end of the turn, 1C pull right shoulders back to end back-to-back in the center, 1W facing down and 1M facing up. |
25-32 |
Eight-bar reels of three across the dance, 1C passing 2nd corners right shoulder to start. 1C end in 2nd place on own sides. |
Repeat. |
Suggested music is BJYoungman written by Mara Shea. |
This dance was written for Barbara Youngman, leader of the Durham, North Carolina class. |
Note that the gypsy poussette in this dance is a slight variant of the figure invented by Terry Glasspool in his dance Gypsy Dreams. |
01/11 |