The Lady of the Elves |
by Sue McKinnell |
8X32 Strathspey for 3C |
Bars |
1-8 |
1C set, cross RH, cast as 2C step up, and turn LH to face 1st corners. |
9-12 |
1C and 1st corners turn RH into allemande hold facing in. |
13-16 |
1C and 1st corners dance a half diagonal reel with 1C's 2nd corners, passing 1C's 2nd corner RS to start and 1M and 2M passing LS to start. As 1C and 1st corners round the ends of the reel, corners should dance to original positions as 1C dance in through 2nd place on opposite sides and turn LH halfway to face 2nd corners in diagonally opposite positions (partners' 2nd corner positions). |
17-24 |
1C and 2nd corners repeat bars 9-16, passing 1C's 1st corners RS to start. 1W ends between 3C in 1st position and 1M ends between 2C in 3rd position. |
25-32 |
1C petronella to opposite sites. All set on the sides. All chase CW halfway around the set. |
Repeat. |
Suggested music is Lady in Red from The Devil's Quandary. |
Note: As 1C and corners round the ends of the half reels, 1C should let corners dance in front of them to facilitate corners dancing to their positions. |
This dance is for my fourth cat, Dria. Dria’s full name was Galadriel for the lady of the elves in The Lord of the Rings. She was a plain little brown tabby, but she had emerald green eyes. |
06/11 |