Lady McGowan’s Nightmare
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 2C
1-8 1C and 2C dance the helix.
9-16 2C and 1C set, 1C cross RH, 2C and 1C set, 2W and 1W change places RH to end facing out. End 2C on the men's side (2M in 1st and 2W in 2nd) and 1C on the women's side (1W in 1st, 1M in 2nd).
17-24 1C and 2C dance a men's chain, ending in promenade hold with partners on the side, 2C on the men' side and 1C on the women’s side.
25-32 1C and 2C dance the tournée, couples stepping into the center on the first 2 bars, men LS to LS.
Suggested music is The Spirit of the Dance from Campbell's Birl.
While learning Lady McGowan's Dream, Mary Jo requested a dance similar to The Ultimate Brief (which consists of 4 8-bar figures: poussette, knot, bourrel, allemande) which uses a helix, men's chain, and tournée to help learn the figures.