The Lady Is a Star
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1W & 2W set and link then 1W & 3W set and link while 1M, 2M, & 3M dance a reel of 3 on the sides.
9-16 1C, 2C, & 3C dance a three-couple bourrel:
1M & 3W, similarly 2M & 1W, set advancing to each other and turn BH halfway then away from each other to end back to back in the center of the set, woman facing up and man facing down. Meanwhile, 2W and 3M chase a little more than halfway CCW around the set to end facing their partners.All set to partners and turn them BH to their own sides. The ending order is 3, 1, 2.
17-20 1C & 2C dance ½ RHA, then 1C cast up as 2C lead down to 3rd place.
21-24 1C & 3C dance ½ LHA, then 1C cast down as 3C lead up to 1st place. Ending order is 3, 1, 2 with 3C & 2C on opposite sides.
25-32 3C, 1C, & 2C dance diagonal rights and lefts, starting 1W up and 1M down.
Suggested music is Lady Lucy Ramsay from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.