Just Keep Turning
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C set, dance down between 3C, and cast up and through 2nd place to face 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 1C turn 1st corners RH moving toward the center of the set. 1C and 1st corners take RH for RH across halfway. 1C turn 1st corners to the diagonally opposite position. 1C turn LH to face 2nd corners.
17-24 1C and 2nd corners repeat bars 9-14. 1C end in 2nd place on own sides. (The last turn is a gentle turn to put 1C into place.)
25-32 Diagonal rights and lefts.
Suggested music is Rising Phoenix from The Devil's Quandary.
The title comes from the figure in bars 9-16 and 17-24 as people just keep turning the whole time.