Just As Crazy As It Looked
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Jig for 3C
1-4 1C, 2C, and 3C turn RH once round. 1W and 3M end facing out.
5-8 1C and 3C chase CW halfway around the set while 2C turn LH 1½. End 3, 2, 1 all on opposite sides.
9-16 Set and link for 3 couples twice. End 1, 2, 3.
17-20 1C set and cast off 1 place as 2C steps up.
21-32 Rights and lefts for 3 couples.
Suggested music is Rover’s Rant from Haste Ye Back.
We looked out one morning to see a police car parked in front, a neighbor from 3 doors left picking up pieces of his mailbox, and a car in our right-hand neighbor’s driveway that had hit his car parked there and had at least one flat tire. Someone driving got confused and turned into the side street leading to our street, hit the curb, a mailbox, and a car on that street then turned right by driving over the corner lot and hitting a tree on the other side of the street. He continued on our street running up on the curb, wiping out a mailbox and driving over the corner of our lot into our neighbor’s driveway and into his car (we are in a cul-de-sac). It was freaky, but the person was OK and everyone recovered from it eventually.