Just a Little Jig
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C set, dance down between 3C, and cast up to 2nd place on own sides. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-12 1W and 2C, 1M and 3C, RH across, ending with 1C LS to LS in the center.
13-16 1W followed by 2W and 2M pass 1M LS, dance down the men's side, across the set in 3rd place to 2nd place on women's side. 2C end in 3rd place. Meanwhile, 1M followed by 3M and 3W pass 1W LS, dance up the women's side, across the set in 1st place to 2nd place on men's side. 3C end in 1st place. (snake pass figure)
17-20 1W and 2C (bottom), 1M and 3C (top) LH across.
21-24 1C turn RH once round and end facing out on own sides.
25-32 All dance a chaperoned chain progression for 3 couples.
Suggested music is Just in Time from Campbell's Birl by Keith Smith and Muriel Johnstone.
My mind was playing with starts to dances and came up with bars 1-8 and the rest just followed.