Jack Pumpkinhead
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C dance down between 2C and cast back up to 1st place. 1C set advancing then turn BH halfway and pull RS back to end back to back in the center facing opposite sides. On bars 5-8, 2C set and cast up to 1st place facing in.
9-16 1C and 2C dance a RS reel of 4 across the dance. 2C end in 1st place; 1C doesn’t complete the reel, but meets in the center in 2nd place on own sides facing down, nearer hands joined.
17-24 1C cross down between 3C and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides. 1W with 3C and 1M with 2C dance RH across.
25-32 1C and corners dance 6-bar reels on the side, 1C passing 1st corners LS to start. 1C cross RH on the last two bars.
Suggested music is The Rendezvous from Ghillies on the Golden Gate.
Jack Pumpkinhead is a character in the OZ books by L. Frank Baum.