Jack Meets George |
by Sue McKinnell |
8x32 Jig for 3C |
Bars |
1-8 |
1W cast off behind own line and back to 2nd place while 1M dance down the middle and back to 2nd place. 2C step up on bars 1-2. |
9-16 |
1C and 3C dance LH across. 1C turn LH to end 1W facing 2W with 1M right behind her. |
17-32 |
1C dance four LS half diagonal reels with corners moving CW (2W, 3W, 2W in 3M's, 3W in 1M's places) changing the leads each time. 1C end in 2nd place with 1W facing out. After the 2nd time through, 1C dance the first 2 bars to end in 4th place as 2C and 3C step up. |
Repeat. |
Suggested music is The Greenbelt Jig from Moments in Time. |
This is a combination of Pelorus Jack reels with George Whitehorne's LS half reels all 4 times in Skirl of the Royal Ghosts. |
10/21 |