It Came with a Pool
by Sue McKinnell 3X32 Strathspey for 3C
set dance
1-8 First couple set, lead down between second and third couples, cross, and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides. Second couple step up on bars 5-6.
9-12 First couple dance a half figure of 8, first woman down between third couple and first man up between second couple.
13-16 First woman followed by third woman dance out the top and cast off on own side; first woman to 3rd place and third woman to 2nd place while first man followed by second man dance out the bottom and cast up on own side; first man to 1st place and second man to 2nd place.
17-24 All dance a bourrel for 3 couples. On the last two bars, second and third couples turn two hands to own sides while first couple turn two hands pulling right shoulder back to face 1st corners.
25-32 First couple dance set to corner and partner (hello-goodbye). End 3, 1, 2.
Repeat from new positions.
Suggested music is The Slopes of Hlidarendi from The Devil's Quandary.
A dancing friend bought a new house and invited people to come and see it and the pool in the backyard. After a very hot summer, ironically the day of the gathering ended up quite cool.