He Slept on My Heart
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C and 2C set then dance 6 bars of double figures of 8 – 1C casting and 2C crossing up to begin. End 2, 1 with 1C on opposite sides.
9-16 1C dance RH across with 3C and LH across with 2C. On the last bar, 1C and 2C release hands and dance out to places, W facing in and M facing out.
17-24 2C and 1C dance ladies' chain.
25-32 1C dance RS around 3C, 1M dancing behind 3W and up the middle and 1W dancing in front of 3M and up behind him. 1C cross up between 2C and cast off to 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is McGregor's Leap from Many Happy Returns with Hanneke Cassel and Dave Wiesler.
We lost our cat Christopher 10/8/19. He was about 14.5 years old and one of those special cats that come along now and then: sweet tempered and very loving – every night he slept on my left side all night. This dance is set to a happy tune since the 12.5 years we had together we were really good years.