Helen and Malcolm Brown
by Sue McKinnell 3x32 Strathspey for 3C
Set Dance
1-4 First and second couples dance set and link to finish in the center of the set with nearer hands joined with partners, second couple facing down and first couple facing up. At the same time, third couple set and turn both hands once round to finish in the center nearer hands joined facing up.
5-8 Second, first, and third couples dance set and link with partners to finish on opposite sides all taking promenade hold and facing down.
9-16 Second, first and third couples dance an allemande for three couples, dancing down to begin.
17-24 Third, first, and second couples dance set and link for three couples twice.
25-32 First and third couples dance the bourrel. Finish in the order 2, 3, 1.
Repeat from new positions.
Suggested music is Chainwalk from Vintage Goldring.
Helen and Malcolm Brown visited Chicago in August 2018 and the Chicago Branch held a dance in their honor. This dance was written shortly after that event and incorporates the starting figure from Malcolm’s dance Links with St Petersburg and the bourrel, which is a figure Helen likes.